Mission Statement

Sad Puppies is a science fiction fan collective that aims to make the Hugo Awards more inclusive through the use of coordinated bloc voting.

The legendary author Ted "Theodore" Sturgeon once noted that 90% of science fiction is crap. As fans of the genre, we believe it is our duty to embrace that truth. And yet for more than half a century, members of the World Science Fiction Convention, a cadre of elitist snobs, have sought to "improve" science fiction by giving the Hugo Award to what they claim are exemplary works of the genre while ignoring the vast majority of sci-fi novels that don't embody the qualities they like. Although some Hugo winners have been solidly mediocre, none has been outright awful since They'd Rather Be Right in 1955. This focus on quality has unfairly singled out authors whose natural talent gives them an unfair advantage over the rest of the field.

Well sixty years is too long. It is high time that the Hugos represent the genre as it truly is.

We demand the Hugo Awards represent the 90% and not just the 10!

We demand the Hugo Awards recognize the importance of safe, predictable story telling to keeping the genre alive!

We demand that Hugo voters stop turning their noses up at books that feature women in chainmail bikinis!

We demand the Hugo Awards respect masculine story telling and recognize that feminine writing is antithetical to everything science fiction and fantasy stand for!


  1. Besides Sturgeon's Law, I think you're also doing an excellent job of upholding Poe's Law.
