
Expanding the Puppy Brand!

Things have been quiet here for the past few weeks, but wheels have been turning behind the scenes and today the Central Committee of the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party is happy to announce exciting news: we're teaming up with the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Values.

The MPA is an association founded by the leading figures of Hollywood's Golden Age -- John Wayne, Ward Bond, Ayn Rand, John Wayne, Morrie Ryskind, John Wayne, Fred Niblo and John Wayne -- to protect the United States from pinko-commie infiltration. They mostly succeeded, and in 1975 the group disbanded. But over the last six years there's been a growing sense amongst Hollywood conservatives that this country is headed in the wrong direction, and the MPA needs to be resurrected. That finally happened last fall, thanks in large part to Adam Baldwin, who has done a bang-up job in bringing the organization back to life.

And now we've formed an alliance to rid America of filthy socialist influence.

Adam Baldwin says of this team-up:

I see great things in our future. What Brad, Larry and Vox have done with the Puppy movement is very inspiring, and I feel we can accomplish something similar in Hollywood. Just as science fiction has the Hugo Awards, we have the Academy Awards, and they've been under the control of Social Justice Warriors for even longer. Just look what happened this year -- a great patriotic movie like American Sniper was shut-out because whiny liberals don't like killing bad guys.
Well, it's about time we fixed that. After consulting with the Central Committee, we're ready to announce our Oscar campaign, the Glamour Puppies. Just as Sad Puppies started small, we'll do the same. For the first year, our goal is to get Arnold Schwarzenegger nominated as Best Actor for Terminator Genisys. The fact that Arnold's never had a nomination despite being one of our great success stories -- an immigrant who worked his way up to governor while being one of the most popular movie stars on Earth -- is a damn shame, and one we intend to see gets fixed. We'll follow that up with noms for Adam Sandler, Dennis Miller and Mel Gibson whenever they appear in movies next.

Brad Torgersen adds:

Wow. We're following in the footsteps of John fucking Wayne! How awesome is that? John Scalzi couldn't even follow in the footsteps of Jm. J. Bullock, you know what I mean.
But this team-up goes both ways. Not only will we be helping Baldwin plan his Glamour Puppy campaign, but we're receiving assistance in return. Buried in the MPA's archives is a massive manifesto written by Ward Bond on the best ways to intimidate opponents into selling out their friends. We've been studying it over a month now, and we recently put it to use in our plan to get Irene Gallo fired from Tor. If it works as we think it will, we'll soon follow up by getting the Nielsen Hayden's fired and the contract for John Scalzi revoked. Kameron Hurley, Mary Robinette Kowal and the other SJWs affiliated with Tor will fall into line or risk the same fate.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments, such as the launch of our journal Puppy Channels, which we'll use to out SJWs in the publishing industry so you can know which books to avoid.


Celebrating What Is Best In Science Fiction: Foundation

Over the past month we here in the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party Ministry of Truth have received a number of questions about which classic works of SF do and don't exemplify the goals of the Party. While our cohort John Z. Upjohn has done a fantastic job identifying SJW-infused works, we do not wish to present ourselves as wholly negative, so today we're going to talk about one of the all time great works of SF, a classic of yesteryear which could never win a Hugo today.

Yes, Isaac Asimov's Foundation.

This is of course a story about a group of intellectually superior men -- and only men -- who set about to seize the galaxy from the effete and liberal Galactic Empire. It's a daring plan that requires subtle ground work and will take centuries to realize, not unlike our current project to wrest control of fandom from the Nielsen Hayden clique.

The parallel is made clear in the opening chapter, set on the city-planet of Trantor, capital of the empire. The Trantorians are all elitist snobs who see themselves as superior to the provincials who populate the rest of the galaxy, even though it's clear that Trantor wouldn't be able to survive without constant food shipments from agrarian worlds. It would be anachronistic to impose modern controversies on the story, but no doubt Trantorians see the rest of the galaxy as a bunch of inbred, racist hicks whose opinions should be ignored. Certainly that's the case for Hari Seldon, a brilliant scientist who has proven mathematically that the Empire has become too soft and liberal to survive -- that the vast welfare state the Imperial government has built up will soon go bankrupt, thus proving how misguided liberal policies are. The hardiest outlying regions will quickly secede and attempt to save their economies, but the suckling class the Empire has fostered with their welfare programs will put demands on the new governments which they'll be unable to meet, and things will dissolve into ten-thousand years of anarchy.

But Seldon has a plan. By placing a colony on a small, uninhabited planet way out on the edge of the galaxy (AKA, flyover country), he will plant a seed that will grow into a new and better Empire. His mathematically proven outline for this is known as the Seldon Plan, but it's clearly Manifest Destiny. The new Empire will spread forth, conquering the backwards, liberal planets that have fallen on hard times, and lift them into a new enlightenment.

Where modern SJW authors would call this "colonialism" and be appalled by the Foundation's manipulation of primitive and backwards cultures, Asimov celebrates it as the natural course of things which can never be questioned. He doesn't diddle around, lamenting how the Foundation crushes the local cultures and remakes them in a manner convenient to their expansion. No, he recognizes that the superior culture should be able to impose upon less developed ones, raising them up over many years but receiving economic benefits in the meantime. This is a fine, noble relationship of the sort Kipling celebrated in "The White Man's Burden," but which SJWs today repudiate. Instead they claim that this sort of imperialism is shameful and exploitative. They refuse to see that it's in the long-term benefit of everyone involved. They're more concerned with the primitive cultures being destroyed than the economic benefits that will eventually accrue to the people.

Reading Foundation, one cannot help but realize that if Isaac Asimov were alive today, he'd be a proud supporter of the Sad Puppies movement. He wouldn't shy away from the necessity of America helping countries like Iraq and Afghanistan escape barbarism, and he wouldn't condemn the books that acknowledge and celebrate those noble endeavors.

When SJWs turn their backs on one of the greatest SF authors to ever live, you know their vision for the genre is not one that will be embraced by the rest of fandom.


Twisting Our Words

John Scalzi has found something new to be angry about. Over the weekend our Maximum Leader posted this to his Facebook page:

Scalzi predictably went off on a tirade, accusing our glorious revolutionary commander of homophobia for using the implication of homosexuality as an insult.

But read what First Citizen Torgersen wrote -- he never mentions man-on-man sex. He simply suggests that Scalzi might not like women. It is Scalzi who made the leap that our leader meant homosexuality. But there are other types of sexual deviancy out there. How can Scalzi be sure the message wasn't referring to sex with walruses? Huh? Or maybe Japanese VR sex games involving many-tentacled aliens? But no, his mind went straight to homosexuality.

And they call us the homophobes? For shame, Scalzi. For shame.


Is the New York Times Bestseller List Part of the Conspiracy?

One of the key tenets of the Sad Puppy movement is that the Hugo Awards do not represent the mainstream of science fiction. Certain people out there are trying to undermine our argument by pointing out that many of the Hugo winners we consider substandard are in fact New York Times bestsellers, and therefore more representative of the mainstream than John C. Wright or Tom Kratman. Redshirts, for instance, debuted at #15, and both The Yiddish Policemen's Union and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell were in the Top 10, compared to 23 and 27 for Larry Correia's best showings.

Is this proof that the Hugos are more mainstream than the Puppy movement claims? Of course not. Clearly our enemies within the Nielsen Hayden coterie have taken a lesson from Scientology. Back in the 1980s, Bridge Publications, Scientology's official publishing house, reportedly sent Church members to bookstores to purchase copies of Battlefield Earth and the Mission: Earth series, which they then gave over to Bridge so they could be shipped back to the same stores. Clearly the same thing must be happening here. It is inconceivable--utterly inconceivable--that enough people would buy a book like Redshirts to get it on a bestseller list. His work is too literary. Redshirts is practically Post Modern. Americans don't want that. We don't crave high quality prose. We don't like multidimensional characters. We want eye-popping action scenes with shallow characters, exactly like Larry, Tom and Brad give us. A bestseller list that doesn't reflect that has clearly been rigged by the elitist cabal that secretly controls publishing.

Mark my words, the actual number of people who've read John Scalzi are, at most, in the dozens, and his family accounts for most of them.


The Conspiracy Goes Farther Than We Thought

Apparently --and I am only going by what an informed reader tells me since I myself cannot read the inscrutable moon runes -- the Japanese Science Fiction Convention announced the nominations for their version of the Hugos, and quite shockingly their ballot includes many of the same authors pushed by the Traditional Hugo Voting Bloc in the United States. In the best translated novel category, enemies of the genre Jo Walton, John Scalzi and Ian MacDonald received nominations, while in the short story category Mary Robinette Kowal, Pat Cadigan, Ramez Naam and Christopher Priest are up. They did include Orson Scott Card in the novel category, but need I remind readers that even our leaders, Brad Torgersen and Larry Correia, managed to get nominated before we started the Sad Puppies Campaign. Undoubtedly OSC is the token conservative author whose presence is meant to counter accusations that the nominations are ideologically motivated. And ideologically motivated they certainly are. The fact that foreign SF fans are selecting writers who are part of the Nielsen Hayden coterie shows that this conspiracy goes farther than we thought. What other explanation could there be? That these works are genuinely popular in a wide swath of fandom? The idea is utterly laughable. Obviously Tor has taken control of Japanese fandom just like it's done in the United States.

There is only one thing we can do -- we must form a Japanese branch of the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party! I am reliably informed that there are many works of ideologically pure Japanese SF which are routinely overlooked by the native fans, including the writings of the tax evading hero Mamare Touno, and the ultra-nationalist author Tsutomu Satou whose novels are so politically pure that the Red Chinese have banned them.

Rise up, fans of Japan. Throw off your shackles and join the international campaign against your SF overlords!


All Analogies Are Approrpriate

Our Supreme Leader has a brilliant post on his blog that utterly destroys the way the reactionary Social Justice Warriors of the Nielsen Hayden coterie are attacking the Party. But, with the utter predictability of professional whiners, our enemies are trying to twist the post to suit their purposes. It's offensive, they claim, to compare the current situation to a Korean gulag. How can we compare a blog-war to people being tortured and worked to death in prison camps?

This is a typical liberal tactic. Like things are not alike unless they're exactly alike in all forms. The slightest difference in magnitude means a comparison is illegitimate. Hyperbole is disallowed.

But is it really hyperbole. Right now the argument is confined to the Internet, but what will happen at Sasquan? Remember, despite our Hugo Award insurgency, we have no control over the ConCom itself. We don't know what traps they're laying for us, and, as I pointed out two weeks ago, we have to go into the convention unarmed. We will be utterly at their mercy, and in a state controlled by socialists sympathetic to the counterrevolutionary cause. We cannot expect help from the police.

Remember your Orwell -- merely silencing their opponents isn't enough for people like this; they have to force conformity. And what better way to do it than to capture us at Sasquan?  We could disappear into the rain forest of Washington -- a place hallowed by Scalzi and his acolytes -- and they could do whatever they want to us. Then, a year from now, Brad and Larry and, yes, even Vox would emerge and denounce their past "heresies". Soon they'd start publishing new books, but these books wouldn't be science fiction classics like Monster Hunter, "The Exchange Officers" and "Opera Vita Aeterna". No, these would be stories about transgendered bisexuals in a multiracial society fighting an evil, capitalistic empire through folk song. They'd be praised throughout the liberal blogosphere for their sensitive portrayals of "the Other" and would be handed Hugo nominations for their efforts. Vox Day would declare his love for N.K. Jemisin and explain that he'd always been wrong about The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. And then they would take to their old blogs and denounce all their former allies as fascists.

You think this is more hyperbole? You think it could never happen?

But it has in the past. How do you think Gene Roddenberry went from writing a show where women explicitly couldn't be captains and white men were in charge of everything, to the socialist morass of The Next Generation? How do you think Isaac Asimov transformed from a defender of manifest destiny in Foundation to the doctrinaire liberal of his later years? How do you think Arthur C. Clarke went from one of the greatest nuts-and-bolts SF authors to a gay man living in Sri Lanka? If you think this is all coincidence, you are wrong! The leftist power elites of WorldCon have long used nefarious means to control fandom.

Comparing them to the commissars who ran the gulags isn't hyperbole. It is mere fact. Anyone who disputes this is an enemy of the revolution.


Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads

Today, April 15th is a day of darkness every American must weather once per year. On this day our government, betraying the ideals of our founders, forces us to file our tax returns to ensure that the money they've stolen from our paychecks over the preceding twelve months is "enough".

"Enough" for what? Well mostly to redistribute to the underclasses, but much of it also gets wasted on public infrastructure which, though it does provide some economic stimulus during construction and maintenance, sits worthlessly, not making any money once completed. Under a rational system of government, we wouldn't need the government providing infrastructure. We'd allow the market to take care of it for us, with road-building companies buying up land at fair market value instead of using eminent domain (an even more reprehensible form of government expropriation than the income tax) to steal it at pennies on the dollar. The road owners could then monetize their work through the use of tolls and roadside advertising, providing a constant flow of money that would stimulate the economy far more efficiently than the stagnant government-built highways.

Now some will object that they'd rather pay taxes to finance roads all in one go rather than paying for them piecemeal with tolls. "Oh, but when I go to get groceries, I don't want to have to stop at a toll booth every couple miles." Pah! What pusillanimity! A true man values his economic freedom over mere convenience.

Furthermore, the annoyance at having to pay tolls constantly would stimulate technological growth. If we had privately-owned toll roads everywhere in this country, auto companies would have sunk their fortunes into building flying cars so consumers could avoid the highways. Government services always strangle innovation, coddling people, making them take for granted government services that, if handled by private enterprise, would spur them to innovation. All those like John Scalzi and the Nielsen Hayden clique who enjoy paying taxes are the enemies of the future. Without them, we would have the glorious future promised by Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard in the the 1940s.

Sad Puppies stands against taxes. Sad Puppies stands for privatization of government "services" and infrastructure. And on this black day, we stand with Robert Beale, one of the true heroes of our revolution who was martyred for the cause in which he believes.

Thank you Robert, and thank your son Ted for being a shining light in our movement.

Rewriting History -- Is there Anything the Enemies of the Revolution Won't Try?

The Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party would like to state, contrary to what has been reported elsewhere, that neither Marko Kloos nor Annie Bellett were ever part of our nomination slates. Never. Anyone claiming otherwise is an agent provocateur of the Nielsen Hayden coterie attempting to undermine the revolution. You may now remember seeing them there, but memory is fickle. Once someone tells you that Kloos and Bellett were on the slate, your mind will forge your own memories to match.  And screenshots--screenshots can be forged, quite easily. Or maybe somebody hacked the blogs where the slates were posted and added the names of these genre traitors to the lists in an attempt to discredit the Puppies movement. Yes, that's it. The password was hacked. Yes. I can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt with geometric logic. You thought you had me, didn't you, just like that time you broke into my apartment and took the strawberries from the icebox, but I'm on to your tricks. You won't fool me again. I know the strawberries are central to your plan. They're the source of all life on Earth. Why 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with strawberries. 70% of each of us is made of strawberries. Without strawberries, where would we be?  But the Nielsen Hayden coterie wants to rob us of that, they want to take away our strawberries for their nefarious communist purposes. We cannot allow that. We must remain vigilant. Yes, vigilant. Heh heh heh. We can't go sleeping on duty. No, that would never do. When you go to sleep, that's when John Scalzi sneaks into your room and steals the ideas out of your head and sells them to his liberal friends who twist them and pervert them to suit their leftwing agenda and then publish them and reap the rewards, and you can't do anything about it because Scalzi buys off the police and they won't listen to your evidence. Well I'm not going to let it happen again. Scalzi, you aren't stealing my thoughts any more! I'm going to saw off the top of my skull, remove my brains and place them somewhere safe that you can never reach, you hear that, Scalzi? Your days of idea stealing are over. Heh heh heh. Yes, soon even your Hugo Awards will be no more. Heh heh heh.


Enemies of the Revolution Resort to Underhanded Tactics

Some may believe that with the nominations announced, the hardest part of our campaign has already been accomplished and all that remains is to coast to victory, but recent events prove the need for continuing vigilance. The eligibility committee at Sasquan has today disqualified two of our works from the final ballot based upon minor technicalities! They did this even though last year they permitted the entirety of the Wheel of Time, the first volume of which was published when the Soviet Union was still a going concern, to be nominated, with free copies of the entire series distributed to voters. In so doing they severely undermined Larry Correia's Warbound by admitting an entire series that attracted votes away from the Sad Puppies base of adventure-loving readers.

Now we see the indisputable truth -- the forces of the reactionary Nielsen Hayden clique will stop at nothing to undermine us. The Central Committee for the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party has already demanded that Sasquan allow observers to be present during the vote counting, but we suspect they'll reject us. Who knows what sort of shenanigans they'll get up to without outsiders present? Will there be Black Panthers counting the ballots? Will they permit Ruth Bader Ginsberg to determine whether a chad is hanging? Would we find Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke voting from beyond the grave? The mind quavers at the possibilities!

Puppies, the time may come when swift action is necessary to seize the ballots to ensure a fair and accurate vote count. Be ready, the revolution is about to get a lot more interesting.


Free Mamare Touno!

Despite our inclusion of token minorities on our slate, many critics of the Sad Puppies movement continue to claim that we are motivated by race. To prove this is not so, the Central Committee has voted unanimously to show our support for the imprisoned Chinese dissident author Mamare Touno. Touno has been charged the violation of that most barbaric of all laws, the income tax.

The right of individuals to possess money and property without interference by the government is the most fundamental of all, above even the rights to speech and religion. The government's expropriation of our possessions is a vile atrocity (one that, sadly, the United States commits all too frequently). We applaud Touno for his brave stand against despotism. We call upon our brothers around the world to show solidarity by withholding their own incomes from their government. We call upon our readers to show support for Touno by buying his novel Log Horizon when it's released in English next week. And we call upon Barack Obama to grant Touno political asylum -- the government should provide him with a free plane ticket to the US and a place to stay once he gets here, with free English lessons to help him get on his feet. And most of all, we call upon everyone, friend and enemy alike, to pray unto Our Lord Heinlein for Touno's protection in this time of hardship.


Terms of Surrender

It has been one week since the Sad Puppies won their overwhelming victory in the Hugo Awards Nomination Battle. With the reactionary forces of the Traditional Hugo Voting Bloc and the Nielsen Hayden coterie on the retreat in all spheres of combat, the Central Committee for the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party has met and considered terms of surrender for all enemies of Fandom.

These are our terms:

  1. Immediate termination of Tor Books as a science fiction publisher, with the rights to their catalogue to be turned over to Castalia House, which will vet all titles for ideological soundness. Those deemed fit and proper works of SF will be republished; those which do not meet our standards will be edited to bring them into compliance, or, if they are judged too heterodox, they will be removed from publication and their authors added to the Index of Suspect Persons. The Nielsen Hayden's must agree to resign from the genre altogether, though we are magnanimous enough to allow them to continue in the publishing industry in a genre more suited for their mistaken beliefs about quality literature, perhaps in ChickLit or mysteries.
  2. The withdrawal of all YA publishers from the field. For too long we have stood by as Young Adult authors have acted as a fifth column within the genre, subverting the youth and poisoning them to the glories of traditional science fiction. Henceforth YA lit shall once again be known as "Juveniles," and only those works embodying the highest principles of Robert A. Heinlein shall be permitted. Girls who read Twilight and books like it shall be expelled from the genre. We will recognize The Hunger Games as a proper SF novel, but the sequels are right out.
  3. Ann Leckie, G. Willow Wilson, Kameron Hurley, John Scalzi, Charles Stross, and Charlie-Jane Anders must sign letters repudiating their previous Hugo winning works and acknowledging their ideological unsoundness.
  4. WorldCon must permit the Central Committee of the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party to revise the list of previous Hugo winners, removing all works deemed ideologically suspect.
  5. WorldCon must ban all discussion of Chinese cartoons and cosplay involving said cartoons. Attendees must be required to sign affidavits affirming that they are not subscribers to Crunchyroll, Funimation or any other website which streams Chinese cartoons.
  6. There is no number six.
  7. All female attendees at WorldCon must wear original series Star Trek uniforms.
  8. The Hugo Awards must be renamed the Heinies in honor of SF master Robert A. Heinlein.
Failure to conform to these demands will be met by further action by the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party, to include but not be limited to the overthrow of the WorldCon apparat, an uprising by our supporters within the SFWA, and a large scale boycott of Tor Books.

You have been warned. You have six days to conform to our demands.



Calumny! Slander! Liars Whose Pants Are Full of Poop!

The latest meme being spread by the counterrevolutionary Nielsen Hayden cabal is that the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party chose to overlook Cixin Liu's The Three-Body Problem because the author is Chinese.

Let me be clear: This is absolutely false.

We chose to overlook it because the author is a Communist.

China is a country without free expression, where books are published and given literary awards based upon how faithfully the author hews to the political ideology of the ruling clique. This is the complete opposite of everything the Sad Puppies stand for. We cannot in good conscience allow an author who rose out of such an environment to be nominated for a Hugo.

It's quite sad, really. Once upon a time the American science fiction community recognized the evils of Communism and fought against it. The first -- and for a long time only -- author ever expelled from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America was the pinko Commie Stanislaw Lem. But that was back in the days when the community was still sensible, and authors like LeGuin and Delany, who wished to taint us with their literary conceits, were on the margin. Now, with the Nielsen Hayden coterie in charge of everything, they're willing to bring the Ban Hammer down on people like our comrade Vox Day for making a couple innocuous comments. Sic transit glorius mundi!

Pizza Time

As the official organ of the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party, we will periodically publish transcripts of Inner Circle meetings.

The following is from the 1/13/15 meeting. Present were Leader Prime, the Supreme Commissar and the Secretary of Latino Relations.

Leader Prime: I call this meeting to order. Tonight's business is our 2015 Hugo sla--

Supreme Commissar: Pardon, Supreme Leader, but shouldn't we begin this meeting with a prayer to Our Lord Heinlein?

LP: Ah yes. Of course. How silly of me.

SC: Oh Great Heinlein, hallow us with your wisdom and guide us through the troublesome times in which we struggle. Help us to crush our enemies and subjugate their women, and grant us the grace to show them no mercy. Amen.

LP: Amen.

Secretary of Latino Relations: Amen.

LP: Before we begin, want to order pizza?

SLR: Sounds good to me.

SC: I do not object.

LP: Think one will do, or should we get two?

SLR:  Make it two mediums.

LP: And what should we get on it? Pepperoni.

SLR: It's not pizza without pepperoni.

SC: Of course. We should always consume pork products at these meetings, that way we can be sure that none of us has been replaced by an ISIS agent.

LP: Yes ... I can see how that would be a fear.

SC: And beef topping! We can never be too sure about the Hindus either. They've been quiescent since 1857, but that doesn't mean they won't rise up again some day.

LP: Okay, pepperoni, beef and tomatoes.

SC: What? Tomatoes! Blasphemy!

SLR: Not a fan either.

LP: What? We're already getting tomato sauce, what's wrong with actual tomatoes.

SLR: Don't like the texture.

SC: Vegetables on a pizza is sacrilege!

SLR: Technically they're fruits. Kinda like how you're an Indian and I'm a Latino.

SC: Fruit or vegetable is an arbitrary distinction. What's important is that we do not permit any plant matter above the cheese layer. Segregation is very important. Once you allow tomatoes on top, next it'll be onions and pineapples, and then corn and arugula. And once they outnumber the meats, that's when they'll strike. A short but bloody uprising, and suddenly you're eating a vegetarian pizza. And once you're infected with vegetarianism, it's only a hop skip and a jump until you turn into John Scalzi, and we cannot permit that.

LP: Okay, so just pepperoni and beef. What type of crust?

SC: What do you mean, "What type of crust"?

LP: What do you mean what do I mean, "What type of crust"?

SC: There is only one permissible kind -- thin but not to the point of being crackery.

SLR: I kinda like Sicilian style.

SC: That's not pizza, you prattling jackanape! That's quiche. Are you sure you're Portuguese and not French?

SLR: Pretty sure.

LP: Okay, okay, let's take a short recess, I'll go and order, then we can get down to business.


Leader Prime: Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get down to business. Who should we put on the slate this year?

Secretary of Latino Relations: Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!

LP: Yes?

SLR: I wrote a book last year.

LP: Yes, but the thing is, if we put you on the slate again this year, some people might think this is all a marketing ploy.

SLR: Oh yeah, good point. We should do someone else. Maybe Kevin J. Anderson, he's good. I remember his Jedi Academy trilogy was really kick ass. I kinda wish they were making that as the new Star Wars series.

LP: Yeah, he's awesome. I love what he and Brian Herbert have done with the Dune series, taking those long, ponderous old novels full of politics and turning them into big action epics. The last one, it's like whoa -- why isn't Michael Bay turning this into a movie?

SLR: Oh, that's a great idea, we can nominate Michael Bay for the new Transformers movie.

Supreme Commissar: Michael Bay is ideologically unacceptable. Pearl Harbor has an overly sympathetic portrayal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

LP: True, good point.

SLR: Yeah, I guess. Plus they didn't have Shia LaBeouf in the new movie, so it kinda sucked.

LP: Anyway, we're all agreed upon Kevin J. Anderson?

SC: Yes, he is acceptable.

LP: Good, good, good. Now, my suggestion, we want to rebrand our movement as populist, so it'd be a good idea to grab onto a popular writer who just doesn't get Hugo recognition.

SLR: Thomas Pynchon?

LP: ...

SC: ...

SLR: Not Pynchon?

LP: I don't think he had a book last year.

SLR: Oh yeah, that's right. I guess we can scratch Bret Easton Ellis too.

LP: I was thinking, Jim Butcher.

SLR: Oh yeah, I hear he's good.

SC: He would be acceptable.

LP: Who else should we suggest?

SLR: I was thinking, maybe Sarah Hoyt.

LP: Ooo, that is a good one. She's Portuguese, that's pretty much Latino, right? We put her on the slate, our opponents can't call us racist.

SC: I would be willing to accept her for strategic purposes.

Doorbell rings

LP: Pizza's here. Wanna call it a night? We can discuss the rest of the slate later.

SC: I do not object.

SLR: Mmm, pizza's yummy. Yay!


Official Statement by the Sad Puppies Central Committee Concerning Certain Spurious Accusations

The Central Committee of the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party releases the following the statement regarding certain spurious accusations that have been leveled against the Campaign for the Liberation of the Hugo Awards and Redress of Grievances:

In the days since the Hugo nominations were announced, enemies of the party have made numerous insinuations that our movement is in fact a cover for one particular member to market his own publishing house. Let us be clear: this is not true.

While we certainly concede that many of this years nominations come from Vox Day's Castalia House, this is far less noteworthy than past years when Tor Books dominated the ballots. In that case it was indeed a symptom of the ruling clique's self-aggrandizement. Liberal-oriented literary SF novels come from a variety of sources, but most of them were ignored or only allowed a token presence on the ballot, while the Nielsen Hayden coterie placed their own authors in spots of prominence.

In the case of the Sad Puppies slate, on the contrary, few publishers are willing to put out books of the quality and content which we approve, and of these Castalia House is the most consistent in that regard. It is only natural that the company should then garner a disproportionate amount of support from the movement.

Any suggestions that our campaign is simply a marketing scheme for Vox Day, or that he has manipulated us into giving him free publicity are untrue and counterproductive to the success of the revolution. Anyone who continues to spread these rumors shall be deemed a tool of the Nielsen Hayden coterie and punished to the fullest extent allowable under the laws of the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party. Furthermore, we warn our enemies that any attempt to have the Sad Puppies Vanguard Party investigated by the Internal Revenue Service for providing free services to Vox Day and Castalia House will be met with swift and determined retaliation.



A Sad Puppies Quiz

Today we present a quiz for the culture warriors of the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard to test their ideological devotion. Below are five quotes. Three are from members of the Sad Puppies slate, two are not. See if you can identify the speaker:
Democracy is more dangerous than fire. Fire can't vote itself immune to water.
Highlight for answer: Michael Z. Williamson

National Socialism is not only human logic, it is considerably more logical, and truthful, than Communism, feminism, or secular Zionism. That was part of the tragedy of Germany's descent into it. Unlike the first two ideologies, it actually functioned effectively.

Highlight for answer: Vox Day

The big problem is that people don't believe a revolution is possible, and it is not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible.

Highlight for answer: Ted Kaczynski 

You are disgusting, limp, soulless sacks of filth. You have earned the contempt and hatred of all decent human beings forever, and we will do all we can to smash the filthy phallic idol of sodomy you bow and serve and worship. Contempt, because you struck from behind, cravenly; and hatred, because you serve a cloud of morally-retarded mental smog called Political Correctness, which is another word for hating everything good and bright and decent and sane in life.

Highlight for answer: John C. Wright

Since the Civil War, in which the Southern States were conquered, against all historical logic and sound sense, the American people have been in a condition of political and popular decay.

Highlight for answer: Adolf Hitler


5/5: You are a baby pitbull, ready to tear the face off anyone who opposes the Revolutionary Vanguard! Congratulations, you shall be awarded the Order of Heinlein!

4/5: You are a fluffy little St. Bernard of ideological purity. One day you shall grow into one of the stalwarts of the Revolutionary Vanguard.

3/5: You are a Labrador Retriever suffering a severe bout of distemper. You must remain vigilant lest the disease take hold and corrupt you with ideological heresy--avoid the works of Ann Leckie and John Scalzi especially, since their superficial similarity to the virtues of ideologically sound works might tempt you over to the enemies of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party.

2/5: You are a mongrel with ringworm. With proper care you might recover, but the disease is probably a sign of a weak immune system. You will be plagued with doubts about the Revolutionary cause and should take extra precautions to avoided tainted liberal thoughts.

1/5: You call yourself a puppy? You're a pathetic kitten. Go read Scalzi's blog!


Cosplay Isn't Just About Chinese Cartoons

Reader Rich I. sent in this wonderful photo of himself and his friends in Watch on the Rhine cosplay to celebrate Tom Kratman's nomination.

Looking good, guys! Hey, maybe we should organize a cosplay party for Sasquan. Wouldn't it be awesome if a couple dozen of us showed up to the Hugo Ball dressed like this to show our solidarity?

I'm going to work out the details and let you all know what I come up with.

Sad Puppies Is More than Vox Day

So the latest meme from the Traditional Hugo Voting Bloc seems to be that the Sad Puppies movement is all about Vox Day, and Vox Day is evil, therefore Sad Puppies is evil. This is an absolutely spurious line of reasoning with no basis in logic and fact. Yes, Vox Day is affiliated with our movement, but that doesn't mean we agree with everything he says. Unlike our opponents, the Sad Puppies do not march in lockstep, we do not respond to the commands of the Secret Masters of Fandom, and we tolerate dissent within our ranks.

The whole anti-Day attitude reminds me of the way liberals treat fascism. The fascist movement of the 1930s and '40s was highly diverse, spanning the spectrum from Tojo to Franco--Franco who became an ally of the United States after the war, proving that he could not possibly be the bad guy that so many leftists make him out to be. One of our supporters, Sarah Hoyt, lived in Portugal under their supposedly evil, fascist regime, and she says it was a great place to be. But what do we hear about fascism today?

Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!

All the great things Franco and Mussolini accomplished don't count simply because they associated with Hitler. They never get judged on their own. A great man like Vidkun Quisling is forever tarnished by Hitler and never allowed to assume his rightful place amongst the greats of Norwegian history. If you ever try to point out that fascism had plenty of good points to it, liberals will reflexively respond, "Oh yeah, but Hitler," as though that settles the matter.

And now we see liberals trying to do the same thing with Sad Puppies, marginalizing our real goals by focusing on Vox Day and how "evil" he is. No matter how much we talk about how Sad Puppies want to revolutionize the predominant paradigm of SF literature, they just come back with, "Yeah, but Vox Day."

Stop changing the subject! We're here to make the Hugo awards more representative of SF literature as it should. We're not interested in engaging in a political debate with you. The time for discussion is over, liberals. You've refused to engage with us before now, and now it's too late. If you continue to resist, this is going to turn into HugoGate, and we'll bring in the big guns like Adam Baldwin and 4chan, and then you'll regret it. So stop trying to bully us with this Vox Day nonsense and do what we tell you.


Sasquan Security, Con't

Wow, so I've got a lot to get through here.

First, I heard back from the convention committee, but their response is less than encouraging.

Dear Sir, 
We cannot offer precise details about our security plans for reasons that should be obvious, but suffice it to say that we are working with local law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for all attendees. If we become aware of any terrorist threats, we will notify the appropriate federal authorities.
As to your second message, it is not WorldCon policy to require loyalty oaths of any attendees. As an international convention, it would be inappropriate to force foreign guests to swear fealty to anything but their own government. 
We hope this has satisfied you.
So it's the brushoff. A typical liberal response. Once Sad Puppies seize control of the WorldCon organizational committees, you can be sure we won't leave security up to the government. No, we'll have Blackwater operatives, fully armed, standing guard at every door and patrolling the convention floor. There'll be no chance of ISIS attacking us.

As to the committee's refusal of the loyalty oath idea, reader Keith M. points out that it doesn't matter anyway.

Loyalty oaths mean nothing to Muslims. The Qu'ran says that oaths sworn to infidels have no power to bind. 
Personally, I'm going to boycott Sasquan unless the ConCom agree to ban Wilson. The convention's not worth my life. 

A reader who identifies himself only as "Grundle" expresses a similar sentiment.
i am skared that if i attend the convention, g willow wilson will use her feminan wilds on me to get me alone and then kill me whien i least expect it. what shoud i do? 
 This is a toughie. We could boycott Sasquan as Keith M. suggests, but I suspect the committee would love that. It'd be a tidy solution to their problems. They certainly aren't going to ban a nominee like G. Willow Wilson, so the only alternative is to attend and maintain our vigilance. Of course I understand that many Puppies out there may not be so willing to put their lives on the line, so if you want to boycott, don't be afraid to do so. Just make sure you let the convention know why you're doing it, otherwise it won't have any impact.

A Chilling Point

I haven't heard back from the ConCom about security yet (see my previous post), but reader Pete M. wrote in with something I thought worth sharing.

I don't know how much good security will do as Sasquan when the enemy will be in the nest. Need I point out that G. Willow Wilson, one of the non-Puppy nominees, is a Muslim, and Kameron Hurley, who likely will be in attendance as well, has written a book sympathetic to Islam. Instead of asking the convention about security, maybe we should demand they make guests take a loyalty oath?
An intriguing thought. What do other Puppies have to say.

Sasquan Security

Apropos yesterday's post about weapons at Sasquan, reader David L. writes in with this question:
I wonder if anyone on the convention committee has discussed security arrangements in light of the nomination list. With this many conservative authors gathered in one place, the con certainly would make a tempting target for ISIS, or perhaps some disgruntled liberal WorldCon voters with SJW sympathies.
This is certainly an excellent point, and I've written to the ConCom to request details on their security plans. I'll keep all y'all updated when I hear back.


Andre Norton: A Vanguard Member of the Sad Puppies Revolution

A recent post on Past and Present Futures highlighted this interview with Andre Norton from 1983.
“Of course right now I’m very upset, in the new attitude in fantasy toward homosexuality. I feel very deeply that this is wrong. At least half of the readers of fantasy are under twenty. Some of them, who are exceptional readers, are only ten or twelve. 
“There’ve been some very bald books involving homosexuality. One of them fell into my hands, and I was so outraged that I simply threw the book in the garbage. And that book was up for a prize. Another was sent to me, and I opened in on a sex scene that was so absolutely nauseating that it made my physically ill! 
“This trend is getting stronger and stronger. For a good many years, when I was in the library, they would not buy science fiction and fantasy books, because those were considered trash, as a result of those dreadful covers on the magazines. So I fought and fought to get them on library lists. 
“I have friends who teach science fiction in high school, and they have to be so careful, now, in vetting the books because of this new trend, for fear of using anything that any parent could object to. 
“I feel that all the work that I tried to do, to establish science fiction as a perfectly good form of reading, is being undermined.”
Of course the passage of time has proven Norton absolutely correct--those same readers she mentioned are now in the thirties and forties, and they are the base from which the homosexual mafia is pushing gay marriage.  The insertion of gay characters into science fiction and fantasy starting in the '70s (though really picking up steam in the '90s when it became common to include them in YA literature, like Mercedes Lackey's Last Herald Mage series) was all part of the master plan that has led to the current crisis in America.

But we'd be naive to think that this is all there is to it. We must look at what's going on in the science fiction community today to understand the threat America will face in the future.

Anyone who's been to a sci-fi convention in the last few years knows that younger fans are absolutely obsessed with Chinese cartoons--so-called "anime". Just from their origin, we can tell that these cartoons are part of a Communist plot to undermine our culture. But does anyone in the SF community stand up against them? No! They're casually accepted. Nobody questions who is getting kids hooked on these programs. In the 1950s, the FBI would've been all over the "anime" scene, rooting out Chinese spies.

A typical Chinese agent.
A typical Chinese spy

And what sort of insidious messages are these Chinese cartoons feeding America's youth? I was recently pointed to a series called "OreImo". This is a shortening of its original, much longer Chinese title, which translates as--and I'm not making this up--"My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute". The show is about exactly what it sounds like, a romance between the main character and his little sister, complete with a marriage at the end. What sort of sick message is that to send to innocent children?

Now earlier I asked who would be pedaling this smut to our children? Well the answer is Peter Chernin, a film producer and co-owner of the site Crunchyroll, which streams OreImo and countless other smut-filled Chinese cartoons. (Shockingly Chernin is a former executive at NewsCorp, proving that the enemy is everywhere present in our society, even where we'd least expect to find him.)

But there's more! As a movie producer, Chernin is responsible for the two most recent Planet of the Apes films. Just as the original films were covert vehicles for the liberal agenda, so too with the modern revival. The movies are thinly disguised PETA promotional videos advocating that we treat animals as humans. One cannot watch the series without getting the feeling the filmmakers wish the audience to see apes as potential equals, possibly even romantic partners. Shocking though this may sound at first--absurd even--it's not without precedent in the science fiction community. For years fandom has been infiltrated by yet another group of fifth columnists, the so-called "Furries," people who fantasize about bestiality. Thankfully even within SF, outright advocacy of human/animal relations are still too outre, and Furries settle for dressing up in fetishistic animal costumes, but there can be no doubt that they are here to ease the way, making fans more accepting of the bestiality. Chernin's PotA films are the start of the second front. We must remain vigilant for further incursions against civilized decency, and we must denounce these works wherever we find them.

Therefore it is resolved by the Sad Puppies Central Committee that all supporters should take an oath to abstain from Chinese cartoons, the Planet of the Apes films, and all related cosplay. Further, we call upon all members to work with any children they know who are under the sway of "anime". With your help, they can break free from their Communist brainwashing and become Young Pioneers in the Sad Puppy movement.

Together we can save the future.

For Andre. It's what she would've wanted.

What Weapons are Permitted at Worldcon?

Reader Jordan B. writes:

Seeing how I live on a compound in Idaho just across the stateline from Washington, I've been thinking about attending this year's WorldCon, but I'm a little worried about venturing into liberal territory unarmed. What are the laws regarding open and concealed carry in Spokane?
Unfortunately it's not good for those of us who like to pack heat. Washington State law provides for restrictions on:

...possession of firearms in any stadium or convention center, operated by a city, town, county, except that such restrictions shall not apply to concealed pistol license holders, law enforcement officers, or any showing, demonstration, or lecture involving the exhibition of firearms.
The convention center where Sasquon will be held, and the theater where the awards ceremony will take place are both operated by the socialist government of Spokane.

Washington does recognize concealed carry permits from a limited number of states, but unfortunately Idaho isn't one of them, Jordan. You could try to convince the ConCom to allow you to present a demonstration, but given their liberal bent it's doubtful you'll succeed.

However, nothing says everything you do in Spokane has to be tied with the convention. We could organize a little gun fun with all the other Puppies who'll be in attendance. We could get together, go out to the woods for an afternoon and play with each others' guns, shoot off a load or two.

And of course in the future we should try to gain more control over the convention process to make sure that future WorldCons are held in cities and states friendlier to gun owners. It's absurd that they expect us to spend an entire weekend unarmed. What if ISIS took over the convention center? Most THVs are liberals who would convert to Islam and volunteer to carry out suicide attacks, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should have to take it lying down.

Taking control of the Hugo ballot doesn't do us much good if we let liberals keep control of the con. We can't let fandom continue under the yoke of a bunch of small-time Obamas. Something must be done.


Congratulations Hugo Nominees

All right, Puppies! We did it again. The Hugo nominations were announced today and our slate made a big showing!

BEST NOVEL (1827 ballots)
  • Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
  • The Dark Between the Stars by Kevin J. Anderson (Tor Books)
  • The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (Sarah Monette) (Tor Books)
  • Lines of Departure by Marko Kloos (47North)
  • Skin Game: A Novel of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (Roc Books)
BEST NOVELLA (1083 ballots)
  • Big Boys Don’t Cry by Tom Kratman (Castalia House)
  • “Flow” by Arlan Andrews, Sr. (Analog, Nov 2014)
  • One Bright Star to Guide Them by John C. Wright (Castalia House)
  • “Pale Realms of Shade” by John C. Wright (The Book of Feasts & Seasons, Castalia House)
  • “The Plural of Helen of Troy” by John C. Wright (City Beyond Time: Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis, Castalia House)
BEST NOVELETTE (1031 ballots)
  • “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Alluvium” by Gray Rinehart (Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show, May 2014)
  • “Championship B’tok” by Edward M Lerner (Analog, Sept 2014)
  • “The Journeyman: In the Stone House” by Michael F. Flynn (Analog, June 2014)
  • “The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale” by Rajnar Vajra (Analog, Jul/Aug 2014)
  • “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” by John C. Wright (The Book of Feasts & Seasons, Castalia House)
SHORT STORY (1174 ballots)
  • “Goodnight Stars” by Annie Bellet (The End is Now (Apocalypse Triptych Book 2), Broad Reach Publishing)
  • “On A Spiritual Plain” by Lou Antonelli (Sci Phi Journal #2, Nov 2014)
  • “The Parliament of Beasts and Birds” by John C. Wright (The Book of Feasts & Seasons, Castalia House)
  • “Totaled” by Kary English (Galaxy’s Edge magazine, July 2014)
  • “Turncoat” by Steve Rzasa (Riding the Red Horse, Castalia House)
BEST RELATED WORK (1150 ballots)
  • “The Hot Equations: Thermodynamics and Military SF” by Ken Burnside (Riding the Red Horse, Castalia House)
  • Letters from Gardner by Lou Antonelli (The Merry Blacksmith Press)
  • Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth by John C. Wright (Castalia House)
  • “Why Science is Never Settled” by Tedd Roberts (Baen.com)
  • Wisdom from my Internet by Michael Z. Williamson (Patriarchy Press)
BEST GRAPHIC STORY (785 ballots)
  • Ms. Marvel Vol 1: No Normal written by G. Willow Wilson, illustrated by Adrian Alphona and Jake Wyatt, (Marvel Comics)
  • Rat Queens Volume 1: Sass and Sorcery written by Kurtis J. Weibe, art by Roc Upchurch (Image Comics)
  • Zombie Nation Book #2: Reduce Reuse Reanimate by Carter Reid (The Zombie Nation)
  • Saga, Volume 3 written by Brian K. Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples (Image Comics)
  • Sex Criminals, Vol. 1: One Weird Trick written by Matt Fraction, art by Chip Zdarsky (Image Comics)
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, concept and story by Ed Brubaker, directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo ((Marvel Entertainment, Perception, Sony Pictures Imageworks)
  • Edge of Tomorrow screenplay by Christopher McQuarrie, Jez Butterworth, and John-Henry Butterworth, directed by Doug Liman (Village Roadshow; RatPac-Dune Entertainment; 3 Arts Entertainment; Viz Productions)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy written by James Gunn and Nicole Perlman, directed by James Gunn (Marvel Studios, Moving Picture Company)
  • Interstellar screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan, directed by Christopher Nolan (Paramount Pictures, as Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Lynda Obst Productions, Syncopy)
  • The Lego Movie written by Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, story by Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman, Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, directed by Phil Lord & Christopher Miller (Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, LEGO System A/S, Vertigo Entertainment, Lin Pictures, Warner Bros. Animation (as Warner Animation Group))
  • Doctor Who: “Listen” written by Steven Moffat directed by Douglas Mackinnon (BBC Television)
  • The Flash: “Pilot” teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns, story by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns, directed by David Nutter (The CW; Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television)
  • Game of Thrones: “The Mountain and the Viper” written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss, directed by Alex Graves ((HBO Entertainment in association with Bighead, Littlehead; Television 360; Startling Television and Generator Productions)
  • Grimm: “Once We Were Gods” written by Alan DiFiore, directed by Steven DePaul (NBC; GK Productions, Hazy Mills Productions, Universal TV)
  • Orphan Black: “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Triedwritten by Graham Manson, directed by John Fawcett (Temple Street Productions, Space/BBC America)
BEST EDITOR (SHORT FORM) (870 ballots)
  • Jennifer Brozek
  • Vox Day
  • Mike Resnick
  • Edmund R. Schubert
  • Bryan Thomas Schmidt
BEST EDITOR (LONG FORM) (712 ballots)
  • Vox Day
  • Sheila Gilbert
  • Jim Minz
  • Anne Sowards
  • Toni Weisskopf
  • Julie Dillon
  • Jon Eno
  • Nick Greenwood
  • Alan Pollack
  • Carter Reid
BEST SEMIPROZINE (660 ballots)
  • Abyss & Apex, Wendy Delmater editor and publisher
  • Andromeda Spaceways In-Flight Magazine, Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Association Incorporated, 2014 editors David Kernot and Sue Bursztynski
  • Lightspeed Magazine, edited by John Joseph Adams, Stefan Rudnicki, Rich Horton, Wendy N. Wagner, and Christie Yant
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, edited by Scott H. Andrews
  • Strange Horizons, Niall Harrison Editor-in-Chief
BEST FANZINE (576 ballots)
  • Black Gate edited by John O’Neill
  • Elitist Book Reviews edited by Steve Diamond
  • Journey Planet edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia, Alissa McKersie, Colin Harris and Helen Montgomery
  • The Revenge of Hump Day edited by Tim Bolgeo
  • Tangent SF Online edited by Dave Truesdale
BEST FANCAST (668 ballots)
  • Adventures in SF Publishing Brent Bower (Executive Producer), Kristi Charish, Timothy C. Ward & Moses Siregar III (Co-Hosts, Interviewers and Producers)
  • Dungeon Crawlers Radio Daniel Swenson (Producer/Host), Travis Alexander & Scott Tomlin (Hosts), Dale Newton (Host/Tech), Damien Swenson (Audio/Video Tech)
  • Galactic Suburbia Podcast Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Presenters) and Andrew Finch (Producer)
  • The Sci Phi Show Jason Rennie
  • Tea and Jeopardy Emma Newman & Peter Newman
BEST FAN WRITER (777 ballots)
  • Dave Freer
  • Amanda S. Green
  • Jeffro Johnson
  • Laura J. Mixon
  • Cedar Sanderson
BEST FAN ARTIST (296 ballots)
  • Ninni Aalto
  • Brad Foster
  • Elizabeth Leggett
  • Spring Schoenhuth
  • Steve Stiles
Award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 2013 or 2014, sponsored by Dell Magazines (not a Hugo Award).

  • Wesley Chu *
  • Jason Cordova
  • Kary English *
  • Rolf Nelson
  • Eric. S. Raymond
As you can see, we totally dominated the short-form categories and are assured absolute victory there, but the genre-traitors who make up the Traditional Hugo Voting Bloc (THVB) managed to get two works on the ballot for Best Novel, including one by Anne Leckie who humiliated us last year by winning for Ancillary Justice. It's possible even some of our supporters voted her. Her book does involve spaceships and explosions, which does make it tempting, but it shuns traditional SF storytelling for literary frippery and progressive themes about gender, something it has in common with the other THVB nominee, The Goblin Emperor, and for that it cannot be forgiven. Anyone who voted for Leckie last year is a literary kulak and should be aware that the Sad Puppies Central Committee is on the look out for them.

Needless to say, we cannot allow Leckie to win again this year. We of the Central Committee strongly recommend that you vote for Jim Butcher's book as that is the most masculine and the most likely to counter Leckie's girly attributes. (The truth is Kevin J. Anderson himself is somewhat suspect. He owns his own publishing house and has recently reprinted the gay-themed Pulitzer Prize winning novel Advise & Consent by Allen Drury. I assure you, had we known about this affront to Puppery before hand, we would have purged him from our slate.)

That concludes this statement by the Sad Puppies Central Committee.