Enemies of the Genre

Over the last few weeks, a number of our readers have written in with questions similar to this one from reader Harvey R.:
I am afeared to go into Barnes and Nobles anymore. They do nothing to sort true science fiction novels from the SJW hackwork masquerading as part of our genre. I never know when I pick up a book with a spaceship on the cover whether it will be a proper apolitical adventure about Americans subjugating alien races, or leftwing whinging about the evils of colonialism. The Sad Puppies should put up a list of works that all right thinking fans should avoid.
Well said! A comprehensive index would be a herculean task, far beyond our ability here. A user-edited site like Conservapedia might be better suited to the task. However, the Central Committee has agreed that a short list highlighting the most heretical works would be appropriate here.


An alternate history that posits that a world in which the United States isn't the dominant nation on Earth wouldn't be a horrible dystopia!


Ken Liu has long been a bane for right-thinking SF fans with his work translating Communist Chinese authors into English, but now he's foisted upon the world this horrifying work inspired not only on a classic of Red Chinese literature, but The Romance of the Three Kingdoms of all things -- romance in fantasy! A clear violation of our genre's purity with girlish cooties! Liu is undoubtedly the greatest threat our genre has faced since the New Wave.


This alleged work of science-fantasy is actually an ISIS recruiting pamphlet disguised by a thin veneer of story! As one of the few authors of the Traditional Hugo Voting Bloc to make it onto this years ballot, Wilson is worthy of special contempt from all members of the Sad Puppies Revolutionary Vanguard Party. We highly recommend our members across the country organize a book burning. Of course buying a copy of the book would just give money to Wilson, and we of Sad Puppies do not advocate stealing from bookstores, so the best solution would be to torrent her books from a pirate site, copy them onto a few hundred thumbdrives and throw the drives onto a bonfire. More to come ...

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