
Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads

Today, April 15th is a day of darkness every American must weather once per year. On this day our government, betraying the ideals of our founders, forces us to file our tax returns to ensure that the money they've stolen from our paychecks over the preceding twelve months is "enough".

"Enough" for what? Well mostly to redistribute to the underclasses, but much of it also gets wasted on public infrastructure which, though it does provide some economic stimulus during construction and maintenance, sits worthlessly, not making any money once completed. Under a rational system of government, we wouldn't need the government providing infrastructure. We'd allow the market to take care of it for us, with road-building companies buying up land at fair market value instead of using eminent domain (an even more reprehensible form of government expropriation than the income tax) to steal it at pennies on the dollar. The road owners could then monetize their work through the use of tolls and roadside advertising, providing a constant flow of money that would stimulate the economy far more efficiently than the stagnant government-built highways.

Now some will object that they'd rather pay taxes to finance roads all in one go rather than paying for them piecemeal with tolls. "Oh, but when I go to get groceries, I don't want to have to stop at a toll booth every couple miles." Pah! What pusillanimity! A true man values his economic freedom over mere convenience.

Furthermore, the annoyance at having to pay tolls constantly would stimulate technological growth. If we had privately-owned toll roads everywhere in this country, auto companies would have sunk their fortunes into building flying cars so consumers could avoid the highways. Government services always strangle innovation, coddling people, making them take for granted government services that, if handled by private enterprise, would spur them to innovation. All those like John Scalzi and the Nielsen Hayden clique who enjoy paying taxes are the enemies of the future. Without them, we would have the glorious future promised by Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard in the the 1940s.

Sad Puppies stands against taxes. Sad Puppies stands for privatization of government "services" and infrastructure. And on this black day, we stand with Robert Beale, one of the true heroes of our revolution who was martyred for the cause in which he believes.

Thank you Robert, and thank your son Ted for being a shining light in our movement.

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