
All Analogies Are Approrpriate

Our Supreme Leader has a brilliant post on his blog that utterly destroys the way the reactionary Social Justice Warriors of the Nielsen Hayden coterie are attacking the Party. But, with the utter predictability of professional whiners, our enemies are trying to twist the post to suit their purposes. It's offensive, they claim, to compare the current situation to a Korean gulag. How can we compare a blog-war to people being tortured and worked to death in prison camps?

This is a typical liberal tactic. Like things are not alike unless they're exactly alike in all forms. The slightest difference in magnitude means a comparison is illegitimate. Hyperbole is disallowed.

But is it really hyperbole. Right now the argument is confined to the Internet, but what will happen at Sasquan? Remember, despite our Hugo Award insurgency, we have no control over the ConCom itself. We don't know what traps they're laying for us, and, as I pointed out two weeks ago, we have to go into the convention unarmed. We will be utterly at their mercy, and in a state controlled by socialists sympathetic to the counterrevolutionary cause. We cannot expect help from the police.

Remember your Orwell -- merely silencing their opponents isn't enough for people like this; they have to force conformity. And what better way to do it than to capture us at Sasquan?  We could disappear into the rain forest of Washington -- a place hallowed by Scalzi and his acolytes -- and they could do whatever they want to us. Then, a year from now, Brad and Larry and, yes, even Vox would emerge and denounce their past "heresies". Soon they'd start publishing new books, but these books wouldn't be science fiction classics like Monster Hunter, "The Exchange Officers" and "Opera Vita Aeterna". No, these would be stories about transgendered bisexuals in a multiracial society fighting an evil, capitalistic empire through folk song. They'd be praised throughout the liberal blogosphere for their sensitive portrayals of "the Other" and would be handed Hugo nominations for their efforts. Vox Day would declare his love for N.K. Jemisin and explain that he'd always been wrong about The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. And then they would take to their old blogs and denounce all their former allies as fascists.

You think this is more hyperbole? You think it could never happen?

But it has in the past. How do you think Gene Roddenberry went from writing a show where women explicitly couldn't be captains and white men were in charge of everything, to the socialist morass of The Next Generation? How do you think Isaac Asimov transformed from a defender of manifest destiny in Foundation to the doctrinaire liberal of his later years? How do you think Arthur C. Clarke went from one of the greatest nuts-and-bolts SF authors to a gay man living in Sri Lanka? If you think this is all coincidence, you are wrong! The leftist power elites of WorldCon have long used nefarious means to control fandom.

Comparing them to the commissars who ran the gulags isn't hyperbole. It is mere fact. Anyone who disputes this is an enemy of the revolution.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly what you need are some moles in the operation, to know what the wicked ConCom is planning. Maybe Information Desk or Operations would be best... or Move In/Move Out.
    Lift some boxes.... know your enemy. :)
